
Demon Of The Woods Part 16

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Back in the foyer Sakura dodged another onslaught of shuriken with a swift roundoff, landing slightly next to Shikamaru. Using his shadow clones Naruto kicked Kiba high into the air. “Na-ru-to Uzumaki Barrage!” Landing a kick hard in Kiba’s face he slammed him to the floor.
Shikamaru in the meantime had a couple of guys caught in his Shadow Possesion Jutsu. Then in the corner of his eye he saw a huge green boulder rolling at an incredible speed at the trapped guys. Quickly severing his shadow’s hold Shikamaru watched the boulder scatter the guys then bounce into the air. Choji landed beside Shikamaru and straightening his green shirt smiled at him, which Shikamaru returned. They had used that strategy since they were kids, Shikamaru would trap their opponent and then Choji would mow them down with his Human Boulder Jutsu. Still smiling Shikamaru said. “Had a change of heart?”
Choji’s smile fell and he looked at the floor shamefully. “I’m sorry Shikamaru. I don’t know what I was thinking. Can you ever forgive me?”
Shikamaru placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. Choji looked up at him. “Are you kidding? You’re my best friend Choji, of course I forgive you. We all make stupid mistakes,” He grinned. “And this wouldn’t be your first.” Choji smiled at him.
“Uh, guys we still have a battle going on here.” Naruto said, backing toward them. One arm dangled limply at his side.
Kiba and the others were advancing toward them. “Traitor!” Kiba barked at Choji, swiping at his bloody nose.
Sakura and Naruto kept retreating. “Any ideas you guys?” Sakura muttered. She was out of chakra and by the look of it so was Naruto.
“Shikamaru?” Choji glanced at him.
Shikamaru shook his head. “I don’t have enough time to think this one out.” Still he went into his thinking position, kneeling on the floor and putting his hands together at the fingertips. Shikamaru was the best strategist here, maybe even in the whole village. His I.Q. was easily genius and he knew how to handle any situation and find a logical action. With his eyes closed he looked at their situation and started thining of a solution. Then Shikamaru felt the air in the room change, making the hair on his arms bristle and the cold taste of fear fill his mouth. He felt the others fear as well as they stiffened and shuddered. Choji wimpered in fear. “What is it?” Shikamaru asked, wary of the answer.
Naruto’s voice was strained. “Shikamaru open your eyes.”
Obliging, Shikamaru’s brown eyes went wide. At the top of the stairs stood the Demon with Zakuro lying in his arms. Shikamaru marveled to find that the Demon looked human but then partly distorted into a monsterous form. The right half of his face was the color of sand and developed into a large animal like ear, the arm that held Zakuro looked the same, huge and twisted. His eyes pierced Shikamaru to his core, one blue and encircled with the dark bags of one who hadn’t slept in days and the other a golden iris against ebony. He regarded the intruders in his home with an emotionless face, but his gaze was so powerful that no one dared make a movement because terror had them frozen. Zakuro had been mortally wounded, lying limply in his grasp and looking ghostly pale. They were both covered in blood.
Zaku slowly backed away, horrified. Shikamaru remembered that Zaku had watched Dosu get killed by this man. Akamaru growled deep in his throat, his fangs bared at Gaara. With his white fur bristling he charged toward the stairs. However upon reaching them he stopped short. Sniffing the air he whimpered and then took off back toward Kiba. “Akamaru?” This frighthened Kiba. Akamaru had the ability to sniff out the level of an opponents chakra and he had never reacted this way. The small white dog cowered at his feet, trembling and whining. Kiba knelt down and petted him. “Are you alright, boy?” akamaru just kept shaking. Turning to Gaara Kiba bared his fangs. Growling he charged and twisted his body, becoming a torpedo of fangs and claws headed straight for Gaara.
For a brief second Shikmaru saw the Demon’s eyes roll toward the ceiling and he sighed as if was annoyed. Then his hand shot out, stopping Kiba dead by his throat. Kiba clawed at the hand that held him, drawing blood but the Demon didn’t waver. Gazing at Kiba his eyes flashed a warning before releasing him. It appeared as if he hadn’t used any force but Kiba crashed down into the foyer with such force that many of the others fliched, their mouths hangin open in horror. Kiba rubbed his throat and coughed with Akamaru mumble growling worriedly at him. The guys looked from Kiba to the Demon, his eyes flashed that same warning. Just like when he had stared down that pack of wolves the guys all retreated, fleeing out the door.
Choji gave another cry before following the others. “Choji?” Shikamaru called after him. He let it go, he knew how Choji could be when he was scared.
Naruto stood in the doorway laughing. “Cowards!” He shouted through his laughter. “And don’t come back!”
“My god, what happened?!”
Naruto was jarred from his jeering by Sakura’s worried exclaimation. Turning from the door he saw Gaara at the foot of the stairway and Sakura already inspecting the wound on Zakuro’s chest. Gaara’s voice sounded strained, like he was holding something back. “She got in between that boy Sasuke and me.” He answered.
Sakura’s face froze, her fingers pausing over the wound. “You mean…, did you…?” She ventured a look at his face, unable to speak what she was thinking.
“No, absolutely not.” He practically shouted. “I would never hurt her like this.”
Sakura nodded after catching the look in his eyes. “I believe you.”
“Thank you.” Gaara replied, his voice gaining a softer tone. “Can you help her Sakura?”
“Well yes but I have to act fast. She’s lost a lot of blood already and the wound is still hemorraging.” Sakura hurried toward the wing of the mansion that belonged to the servants with Gaara following her and Naruto and Shikamaru right behind him. Entering the room on her right Sakura flipped on the switch on the wall and bright, florescent light filled the room. One half of the room resembled a patients room of a hospital with two beds separated by a curtain and the other an operating room. The walls were painted stark white with cabinets lining them. The room smelled of antiseptic.
“Set her over here.” Sakura pointed to the operating table. Then she started rummaging through the cabinets getting out the tools she might need.
Gaara gently laid Zakuro on the table. He brushed her bangs away from her face, leaving reddish-brown trails of blood on her forehead. She was as pale as he is now and the warmth of her skin that he had grown to love was gone. He watched her shallow breathing make her chest rise and fall ever so slightly. Worry felt like bile in his throat. What if Sakura couldn’t save her? What if Zakuro died? He would never see her blush again, never see the kindness in her eyes and never hear her laugh again. He blinked the tears out of his eyes. Taking her hand in his he gave it a gentle squeeze before pressing it to his lips.
“Are you gonna need a hand Sakura?” Naruto asked from the doorway.
“I might. Don’t go too far incase I do, ok?” She answered. Naruto nodded and walked out the door. Sakura took in the sight of Gaara holding Zakuro’s hand close to his heart. His eyes hadn’t left her. “You know,” Gaara’s eyes flashed to hers. Sakura swallowed thickly before continuing. “You’re going to have to leave her alone while I do this.” Gaara glared at her and she felt a familiar tremor of fear run through her. Turning from him Sakura took a deep breath and summoning all her courage marched up to him. Looking Gaara right in the eye she said. “If you want her to live, you’ll leave.” At first his gaze didn’t waver but then she saw him soften. Gaara looked down at Zakuro for a long moment before placing a kiss on her forehead. Without a word he was out the door.
Outside the make-shift hospital Gaara sat against the wall with his eyes closed. He softly beat the back of his head against it, trying to clear his mind. He had to calm down before he lost control. The prowling in his head finally stopped. He was in control, for now. He heard a hiss of pain and opened his eyes. Naruto sat against the wall opposite him cradling his arm and wincing. “What happened to you?” Gaara asked.
“I think my arm’s broken.” Naruto replied. He tried to move it and cried out. “Ah, yeah it’s broken.”
“I’m not surprised,” Gaara turned his attention to an unknown young man, his black hair was pulled back at the top of his head and his eyes held a lazy expression. “It was broken over the stairway.” He chuckled and shook his head.
“Who are you?” Gaara asked him.
“Shikamaru.” The man answered. “I’m Z’s…Zakuro’s friend.” He gestured with his thumb to the door of the hospital. Gaara nodded. “Um… not to sound rude or anything,” He continued, sounding uncomfortable. “But Z didn’t mention anything about…” He gestured to Gaara, looking pointedly at his monsterous physique. “I’m guessing that you don’t always look like that?”
Gaara looked sullenly at his twisted hand, slowlt clenching and unclenching his claws. Then his breathing caught in his chest, he siezed up as his teeth clenched against the blazing pain in his body. Shikamaru took a step toward him but Naruto got on his feet and stopped Shikamaru with a hand on his chest. Shikamaru glanced at Naruto who gave him a wary look. Looking back at Gaara Shikamaru watched in shock as his skin pulsed and writhed before turning to a normal human appearance. Sighing Gaara opened his eyes which were now both blue and said while giving Shikamaru a skeptical look. “To answer your question, no I don’t always look like that.” He tenderly rubbed his sore cheek. The change always left him aching for a while.
“So,” Naruto said slowly. “Sir-“
Naruto stopped, startled by his master’s tone at allowing him to use his name. He looked into Gaara’s eyes who regared him calmly. Naruto smiled a little before continuing. “Gaara, what happened up there anyway?”
Gaara sighed again casting a glance at the wall behind him where Zakuro lay possibly dying. Standing he told Naruto and Shikamaru of Sasuke’s plan for revenge admitting that he had been the cause of his brother’s death. Then went on to explain the vent up till Sasuke’s fall from the balcony. He downplayed some of his and Zakuro’s words to each other and his “addiction” to killing. When he finished the two looked equally shocked.
“Damn.” Naruto breathed.
Shikamaru shook his head. “I just can’t believe it. Has Sasuke completely lost his mind?”
Gaara shrugged. “He was driven by revenge. That has a way of destroying a person, turning them into a meer shadow of who they once were.”
“I just can’t belive it.” Shikamaru repeated sadly.
“Do you think he survived the fall?” Naruto asked Gaara.
“Hard to say,” He said. “He fell awfully close to the ravine. I should go look for him.”
“I’ll go with you.” Shikamaru said.
Naruto held up his good hand. “I have to stay and help Sakura.”
Gaara nodded before looking at his torn shirt. He fingered the shredded sleeve and scowled. He’d torn through so many shirts before. “I’ll be right back.” Then he disappeared, startling Shikamaru.
Shikamaru looked at Naruto who was unmoved. Naruto laughed. “He does that all the time.” Together they wandered out to the foyer. Shikamaru found his lantern where Zakuro had left it. Picking it up he pulled a match from the box in his pocket and lit the iwck inside. He would need it in the dark outside.
“Ready?” Shikamaru jumped, the lantern nearly falling from his hand. Whiping around he found Gaara behind him. “Sorry,” He said. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He was already dressed in a crisp black suit that contrasted against his pale skin. A black cloak lay over his shoulder and the hood was pulled up over his red hair. It hid most of his face in shadow but still Shikamaru could feel those eyes studying him. They gazed at him not so viciously as before but still distastefully and maybe even a little cautious, like a wild animal watching a hunter.
“It’s okay.” Shikamaru said. Gaara turned and walked to the door, the cloak billowing around him.
Shikamaru followed him but Naruto stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, whispering low into his ear he said. “Watch yourself around him. He’s very unstable right now. Try to avoid saying anything that might set him off,” Then he added quickly. “If you value your life. You might have to calm him down or hold him back.”
“I understand.” And he did. There was something about Gaara that made him curious, like a pitch black room where you have to find out just what’s inside. Gaara was waiting in the doorway with an expression on his face that told them he’d heard their every word.
After Shikamaru joined him at the door Gaara went to step outside but was stopped by Naruto’s voice. “Sir-Gaara,” Turning to him Gaara met Naruto’s steady gaze. “Zakuro’s going to be alright. You’ll see.” He said with a confident smile. Shikamaru swore he saw those cold eyes soften. Without a word Gaara turned and disappeared outside.
Outside the mansion Gaara and Shikamaru treaded their way through the snow. The moon was dipping lower into the sky giving them the knowledge that dawn was near. The usual sparkle of the snow seemed dulled as if the events of the night had leeched the very life from the land.
Gaara stopped near the edge of the balcony and looked up. He could see the shattered remains of the stone where Sasuke had fallen. From the corner of his eye he saw Shikamaru raise his lantern over the ravine and squint into the darkness. Even the lantern’s light couldn’t pierce the bottom of that abiss. After years of insomnia driven nights, after being in the dark for so long his eyes were well accustomed out here.
“Sasuke fell from up there?” Shikamaru exclaimed, looking up at the balcony. “That’s at least a 20 foot drop to the ground.” His breath rose in small white puffs.
“And even further if he fell into the ravine.” Gaara said slowly and turning to the ravine’s edge.
The snow and ice had left  the ground slick and when Shikamaru took a step further, his foot slipped and he nearly fell into the ravine. Gaara saved him with a cold grip on his wrist. “Thanks.” Shikamaru said breathlessly.
“You’re welcome.” Gaara replied. “Just please be careful. I don’t want anymore blood on my hands tonight, thank you.” Turning away for a moment he said. “It’s too steep to try and go down here but there’s a gentler slope over there, follow me.” With Shikamaru trailing behind him Gaara walked away from the mansion. Finding the gentler way into the ravine they then back tracked the way they had come. Shikamaru tripped and stumbled on the ravine’s floor but Gaara’s stride was steady. When they reached the mansion Shikamaru heard Gaara’s breath leave in a sigh and he stiffened.
Following his gaze, Shikamaru saw the reason for his sudden reaction. “Sasuke.” In the middle of the ravine Sasuke lay unmoving. They stepped closer and saw that his neck was broken at an odd angle, his face pale as the snow and completely stark against his dark hair. His dead eyes were wide and accusing, the lantern’s light casting an eerie glow over them. Shikamaru saw an blood stain on Sasuke’s shirt and glanced up to see a matching stain in the snowy ravine wall where he must’ve hit before landing.
Gaara’s eyes never left Sasuke. “Zakuro’s going to hate me.” He muttered.
“She won’t hate you.” Shikamaru said. “I know Zakuro, I’ve never seen her care for someone the way she cares for you. Not even him.” He nodded to Sasuke. “She won’t be upset with you.”
Gaara glanced at Shikamaru. He sensed the truth in his words, but if Zakuro would really be okay with this he couldn’t say. Would she place blame on him? Sasuke was her best friend afterall and now he was dead because he rivaled with Gaara for her love and for his own ends. Zakuro’s grief stricken face played inside his head and he felt the need to at least partially clear his concience of this. He knelt beside Sasuke’s body,raising a hand to Sasuke’s dead eyes he closed them. Lifting him up Gaara slung Sasuke’s arm over his shoulders and stood. Sasuke’s dead weight felt like nothing to him. He caught Shikamaru’s questioning look. “I think I owe it to him to take his body back to his family.” That was a lie, he was doing this for Zakuro.
Shikamaru nodded. “I’ll take you there.”
Trudging back out of the ravine they started the long walk  through the woods. The air seemed to have taken on a strange heaviness during the night and Shikamaru felt on edge. His footsteps seemed too loud against the silence of the woods, Gaara however was utterly silent. Shikamaru had to keep glancing over to make sure he was still there beside him. A sound in the underbrush made Shikamaru jump and then he heard a soft chuckle. “What’s so funny?” He asked, glaring at Gaara.
“You are.” Gaara answered. “Or maybe I should say all humans in general. You claim to be brave and fearless but then in truth you’re afraid of your own shadows.” Gaara’s voice gained a harsh edge to it. “I’ve come to realize that human fear that which they don’t know, what they don’t understand or rather refuse to understand. A symbol of power becomes a symbol of fear, a threat to them. That’s why they fill their children’s heads with horror stories, to make them obediently fear and hate anything different. When the real truth is that they are just as afraid of the darkness that lies just outside their safe homes. They fear me.”
Shikamaru felt a shiver run down his back. That was all true of course, but he hadn’t really thought about it before. He’d heard the legends of the Demon of the woods since he was a child and whether he feared them or not, he knew so many who did.
“I’m sorry.” Gaara said after a moment. “I shouldn’t have said that.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing deeply. “I have a bad habit of doing that when I’m around people. I’m not used to it, I prefer to be alone where I don’t have to hide.” That was the reason he loved the woods so much. Because so many feared it that meant he was free to roam his his kingdom far away from the hateful eyes of mankind. Even now the darkness seemed to whisper to him, beckoning him to vanish inside its santcuary and become one with the night as he had done so many times before. He recalled the numerous times he had run throught the forset at midnight, the wind pulling at his hair, the taste of the night on his tongue. It was the only time he felt at peace. He would swiftly and silently move through the trees, nothing more than a shadow. The creatures of the night would whisper to him as he went, speaking in ways only he could understand.
“It’s alright,” Shikamaru said. “You don’ty have to worry about offending me or anything.”
“I feel as if I do though,” Gaara stopped and faced him.” Because you’re not like that. If you were you would’ve either run from me or attacked me by now.” He stated flatly.
Shikmaru shook his head angrily. “People who think that way are ignorant fools. You’re just a man, no different than I am.”
Gaara started walking again. “I’m glad you think that way,” He said sadly. “Most people don’t.”
There was a long pause between them, the only sounds were from Shikamaru’s footsteps. Finally Shikamaru blurted out. “You know I don’t get you.” Gaara gave him a confused look. “I mean, I’ve heard the way Zakuro spoke of the kind and mysterious man she’s fallen for and I’ve seen now how terrifying you can be. You can’t be both.”
“Can’t I?” Gaara said. “I’ve never had a reason to show the side of me that Zakuro sees, not until I met her. It’s always been there but in order to survive in this world I’ve had to hide it. I’ve hidden for so long I was surprised to find that it still existed. She’s brought out the real me, not the one twisted by fate.” He caught Shikamaru’s surprised look and read his mind. “Surprised to see that I’m slightly human?”
“I’m not gonna lie,” Shikamaru smiled. “A little.” Gaara’s whispy chuckle sounded.
They stepped out of the cover of the woods and onto the dirt road. In the distance the lights of the village shown with a cold light that made Gaara tremble with hatred inside. All those humans there all curled up in their safe, warm beds, completely unaware of his existence.
Inside the village Kiba and the others were rapidly telling the details of the night to some elders. “Ok slow down boys.” Shikamaru’s father, Shikaku Nara finally said silencing them. “Now slowly tell us what happened.”
“And explain why you did something so dangerous without telling anyone.” Inoichi Yamanaka said, narrowing his blue eyes at them.
“Zaku, did you put them all up to this?” Choji’s father asked. He folded his thick arms across his massive body and frowned sternly at Zaku.
“No!” Zaku practically screamed. “Why does everyone think I’m always lying?”
“Says the “Boy who cried wolf””. Neji muttered.
“Shut up Neji!” Zaku snapped.
“You have to believe us dad.” Choji said. “We have to go back because Shikamaru could be in trouble-“
“Wait you left Shikamaru behind!” Shikaku roared.
“Relax dad I’m fine.” Shikamaru walked over to him.
“Shikamaru!” Choji cried. “You’re ok. What happened back there? Where’s the Demon?”
“Standing right beside you.” A hush came over the crowd of people as Gaara, who’d been standing in the shadows stepped into the glow of the streetlight. He threw back the hood of his cloak, revealing his shock of red hair and his stoney eyes.
Kiba scowled. “So you do have a voice.” He mocked.
Gaara cocked his lack of an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t think it wise to mock the person could’ve snapped your neck.” He said calmly.
Kiba glared at Gaara, rubbing his already bruised throat. Then he noticed Sasuke lying lifeless against Gaara’s shoulder. “Sasuke!” He cried. Then he growled and took a step toward Gaara. “You bastard, I’ll kill you myself!” Kiba lashed out, his claws aimed at Gaara’s face.
Shikaku caught Kiba’s arm. “That’s enough Kiba.” He said. After Shikaku released him Kiba turned to scowl at Gaara. Akamaru growled at him from inside Kiba’s jacket, where he was nestled at his chest. With one look from Gaara however sent him whimpering back into Kiba’s jacket. Shikaku looked down at this boy who stood no taller than his shoulder. “You’re the Demon of the woods? You’re just a child.”
“On the contrary I’ve lived nearly three of your life times.” Gaara’s eyes took in the shock on their faces. “You humans really have no idea how long I’ve been in the shadows watching your pitiful indifference.” He spat.
“Looking for your next victim you mean.” Kiba snapped. “You’re the reason our village lives in fear.” Gaara’s face fell. “And then there’s silence.” Kiba sneered. “Just who are you trying to fool anyway? You act as if we’re the intruders in your world when really you’re the intruder, a monster cursing us for eternity!”
Shikamaru noticed that Gaara’s hands started to tremble, the skin of his knuckles stretched white over his clenched fists. His breathing sounded strange too. His voice strained to keep a calm tone. “Could the curse that is me possibly be a punishment for your sins? If you would simply let me be-“
“You’d just keep killing us off for sport! I’ll let you be when you’re rotting in hell!” Kiba shouted. The other guys shouted in agreement. “We’ll cretainly have saved quite a few young women from your clutches. You seduce them and then leave them for dead. Just like you did with Zakuro.”
In an instant Gaara’s hand was around Kiba’s throat. His blue eyes blazed into Kiba’s as he gripped tighter. Kiba gasped and clawed at his hand. Akamaru even bit Gaara’s hand but his grip remained like an iron vise. He could feel Kiba’s pulse beneath his fingers, the veins breaking under his grip. He could so easily shut this fool up once and for all. Then he felt nothing, his body had gone rigid and numb. “Why can’t I move?” He thought as he struggled against the invisible force.
“Gaara, calm down.” Gaara looked over at Shikamaru, unable to move his neck. He stood with his arm outstretched, his hand curled around empty air. He was mimicing Gaara’s stance. No wait. Gaara glanced down to see that his shadow cast over the road was connected to Shikamaru’s. He wasn’t being mimiced, he was mimicing Shikamaru. “Don’t waste your time,” Shikamaru said lowering his arm. Stifly Gaara did the same. “He’s not worth it.” Shikamaru glared at Kiba who stood coughing and rubbing his throat. Kiba scowled at the two of them, showing all his fangs.
“Shikamaru-“ Shikaku began in his “I’m-going-to-give-a-huge-lectural-scolding-that-Shikamaru-doesn’t-give-a-crap-about” voice as Shikamaru called it.
Must escape scolding immediately. “Dad, I’ll explain everything later but right now my friend and I have something to take care of.” Shikamaru started walking toward Sasuke’s house. Gaara followed behind, their shadows were still attached.
“Shikamaru!” Shikaku called after his son, scowling.
Shikamaru called back. “Scold me later!” After putting a few houses between them and that crowd he severed his shadow’s hold. Gaara slumped against a building, his breathing ragged. Shikamaru thought about the hunger he’d just seen in Gaara’s eyes. His desire to kill Kiba had sent a chill through him. But now Gaara looked pained, his eyes clenched shut and one hand clutching his head. Shikamaru felt pity prick his heart like a thorn. “Are you ok?”
“No.” Gaara muttered miserably. His head pounded as he forced his rage and power back. A cold sheen of sweat had risen from his pores making the streetlights shine across his face. He gritted his teeth as another wave of pain coursed through his body and he began to tremble. Biting back the scream building in his throat he strained to regain control. Finally the pain left and his power slid back into the darkest part of his soul. Gaara was left shaken and breathing heavily. “I would never hurt Zakuro, I would never treat her that way.” He mumbled, opening his eyes. “I’d die before I would hurt.” He looked at Shikamaru. “Thank you for getting me out of there before I killed him.”
“Well I was warned to keep you calm or hold you back,” Shikamaru shrugged. “So I decided to go with both.” He smiled. When Gaara didn’t return it he started slowly, wary of Gaara’s reaction.  “Are all those stories really true?”
“Yes.” Gaara repiled flatly.
“You really took advantage of those women?”
Gaara looked at him shocked and then rolled his eyes. “Yes,” he said sarcasticly. “I took advantage- no! Of course not! I thought you meant the deaths, that’s true the other part not true. That was definitely thought up by humans who were trying to keep their daughters in line.”
Shikamaru shrugged. “Just clues to the puzzle.”
Gaara frowned. “I’m a monster no doubt about that but I’m no sex deviant.”
“No accusations here.” Shikamaru held up his hands. “I just wanted to find out from the source.”
“It was actually quite rare that a woman would find her way to her death by my hands.” Gaara said. “It was almost always some prideful man trying to prove himself by challenging me. Like his brother.” He glanced at Sasuke’s face, lying limp on his shoulder.
Shikamaru nodded. “His house is this way.” He nodded to his right. The two started walking in that direction.
After a moment Gaara said somberly. “I apologize for the way T acted back there. I lost control.”
“Hey with that comment Kiba was asking for it.” Shikamaru said. Unconvinced Gaara sighed. Finally Shikamaru stopped and pointed to the house in front of them. “Sasuke’s house.”
If he hadn’t been told Gaara probably could’ve guessed which one belonged to Sasuke for the insignia painted on the door matched the one on Sasuke’s shirt. Probably a family crest. Walking to the door Gaara set Sasuke on the doorstep. For a long moment he gazed at Sasuke’s ashen face, the face of his rival. The boy had been driven by vengence, a hatred of him but love had driven him too. Sasuke loved Zakuro and wanted the best for her but his selfishness had proven to be his downfall. He would have died rather than see Zakuro with Gaara. He didn’t want to lose Zakuro. Gaara’s thoughts turned to the wolf that had attacked Zakuro. He was driven by vengence as well. None of this was right. With Sasuke Zakuro would’ve been safe, Sasuke would never have to worry about keeping his composure and an unimaginable power in check. He wouldn’t have to risk killing her everytime she was near. Gaara was clearly a match made in hell for Zakuro. For the first time in his life Gaara regretted his original intentions. Finally reaching up he made a few quick raps on the door and in a flash was gone.
The door opened a moment later and Sasuke’s mother, Mikoto stepped out. She had her son’s coloring. The same pale skin, eyes and hair as black as midnight. She wiped her hands on her apron, shaking the dark bangs from her face she glanced around. Then she looked down to see her son lying on the doorstep. “Sasuke?” She knelt down beside him. Upon touching his cold hand she brought her hand slowly to her mouth. Tears sprang into her eyes. “No.” She softly cried from behind her hand and brushed his bangs from his face. Then she threw herself over him and sobbed into his chest. “Sasuke! My baby!”
Shikamaru looked at the ground sadly from where he was hidden behind a building. With Sasuke dead the Uchiha’s were childless now, their blood line ending there. A sudden sigh behind him made him jump. Whipping around he saw Gaara in the alley behind him. He was leaning against the wall, the shadows casting harsh lines over his face. “I’ve always tried to igonore it.” He mumbled and Shikamaru couldn’t tell if he was talking to him or to himself. “The pain that others face when I kill their loved ones. I may kill one but with that one death I destroy the lives of everyone who loves them. For many I take away their reason for living.” Mikoto’s cries seemed to grow louder in his ears and he saw her broken face behind his closed eyes. His hands began to tremble and he smashed his fist into the wall. The stone shattered under the force, forming a large hole that still left rock crumbling to the ground. Shikamaru thought he would have to restrain him again but then he heard the soft choking sound of held back tears. “I really am a monster.” Gaara whispered.
Shikamaru stood unmoving. He didn’t know what he hadn’t expected more the fact that the Demon really existed or that he was standing next to the Demon who was on the verge of tears and sympathizing with him.
Quickly Gaara forced his emotions back before he lost control. Even now he felt his power build inside his head, causing a throbbing headache. As he pinched the bridge of his nose and worked his temples the two walked back toward the woods. Finally Gaara stopped mid-way on the dirt road, the border of his world and the humans’. Turning to Shikamaru he said. “I’ve done what I came here to do, I’ll take my leave now.” He nodded toward the woods.
“Leaving so soon?” Shikamaru chuckled.
“I thought it best to leave before that mob gets up the courage to come over here and lynch me.” Gaara’s eyes looked over Shikamaru’s shoulder.
Following his gaze Shikamaru’s sharp eyes found Neji perched in a tree, Zaku concealed behind a building and many others from that group hiding as if for an ambush. Kiba stood glaring with Akamaru growling on his shoulder. Shikamaru was disgusted. He looked back at Gaara whose eyes had turned as cold as ice. “Not all people are cruel like that.” He said.
“I know.” Gaara replied softly. “You and Zakuro have proved that to me.”
Gaara turned to leave but Shikamaru stopped him. “You know what,” He said. Gaara turned back to him. “I think Z made a good choice. After tonight I’ve seen just how you can be both a kind person and…well a demon. Zakuro brings out the best in you, the you you’ve been hiding. From now on I don’t car what anyone says or thinks, you’re a good man Gaara.”
The harsh look in those eyes had softened. Once again Gaara turned to leave but then stopped and turned back. “Can I ask you something?” Shikamaru nodded. “Back there you…you called me your friend?”
Shikamaru smiled. “I guess I did. Take care of her okay.” He held out his hand. “Goodbye Gaara.”
Gaara looked from his hand to his face. He didn’t seem to understand Shikamaru’s acceptance for a moment. Finally he took Shikamaru’s hand in his cold grip. “Goodbye Shikamaru, thank you.” After a moment he released Shikamaru’s hand and pulling up the hood of his cloak walked toward the woods.
As the sun boke over the horizon a sudden gust of wind caught his cloak, throwing about him like the wings of some dark angel. When those wings settled he was gone, vanishing back into the woods. Back to his home, back to his domain.
OMG I'm sooooo sorry I made you guys wait so long. I feel awful. Please don't abandon the story! I've been so busy lately I wanted to tear my hair out. so anyway please don't give up on me just yet!

let me know if i got any parents names wrong. I can only rely on Wikipedia. I tried to tap into Gaara's inner mind better here (big thank you to Susan Kay in Phantom) the way that he views human came from inspiration from Kay. He's very dark here or thats what i was going for anyway. Yay shikamaru and Gaara are friends!! I always viewed them that way anyway. like if they got to know each other better you know. Gaara did a lot stangling in this part didn't he? lol I must have problems or something. lol either way Kiba's quite a jerk here isn't he? I always envision him as the fire started you know, he starts something he probably can't finish.

so the next part should be up soon. don't yell at me! cowers for a moment because school is over I should be writing more.
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OneWingedAngel19's avatar
not final right?

i like how you portrayed Gaara and Shikamaru.